The Woman Of No Origin

9:07 PM

In the forest lives a woman of no origin. She has been living in the woods for so long no one knows exactly how old or how young she was. No one knows her name either, not even the birds. But everyone knew who she was. She's sister, the leaves whisper as they sway with the wind's songs. She's my friend, says the sun and the moon as they shine down on her round, mossy eyes. She is family, the rest of them say. She belongs here, where nobody thinks any less of anyone, says the mountains high amongst the clouds. She belongs where her heart feels truly alive. For all these, the woman smiles happily as she lives her life under the canopies of the woods, unperturbed and always loved, just as much as she loves wholeheartedly.


Belongingness. I'm not sure if that's even a word, but it certainly is a feeling. When I look at the sky, sometimes I ask it if I am where I should be. I know it sounds like a scene from a movie but it's true -- I do have this feeling of wanting to know if where I am standing is the place where my soul should reside, where it should live as it should be. Sometimes, too, I question myself if I am accepted for who I am. Not that anyone needs other's acceptance in order to be happy, but sometimes it happens. Don't you ever have that feeling? There are times when people judge other people, not just for their decisions but also for their personality and status. It's hard when people want others to change and follow their standards. If only we all could be like the woman in the forest or the beings who accept without judgement. The world needs this kind of kindness and respect. If only. Then, what will the world become? Is it not a wonderful thing?

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