A Garden of Flowers at the Palm of the Hand

6:00 PM

Dainty fields of flowers overwhelm my mind's eyes, my imagination going wild and free like a bird in a prairie. Amidst warm and rainy days I sit with needle in hand and thread in the other, the pushing and pulling from the wooden hoop bringing a comforting sense of calm to my rather restless spirit.

As I repeat this process, I realized I've made a handful of them. Knowing full well that I can't use them all for myself, I've decided to put them up in my Etsy shop, SunlitCuriosities. Though I myself am not a professional with embroidery, hope as I may that I am one right now, I do hope that they may find a home and be cherished the same way I felt as I made them, hands carefully crafting each leaf and delicate petal.

I find myself drawn towards floral patterns, the humble yet beautiful flowers that decorate a garden or a hidden corner never cease to capture my imagination. When I was little, I used to imagine faerie folk lingering between each blooms, tipping their dainty feet into the moist petals and very much reminiscent of Disney's Fantasia whose imagery of faeries waking up from inside their flower beds have left such an impression on my younger years. Also, the beautiful Thumbelina had been one of my favorite folk story, as well as Don Bluth's film of the same name. I even once dressed up as Thumbelina in our kindergarten program, though that story is quite the charmingly embarrassing moment...I would not relay it any further. Ha!

Strawberry fields have quite the adorable charm, don't they? I would like to grow my own one day. For now, I am content with 'sowing' them unto canvas.

 I remember those moments from my childhood when I would flip through story books and taking too much time looking at the illustrations, especially those of flora and fauna. I loved the details of them and even in the children's dictionaries or encyclopedias, they are what I usually enjoy poring over on. Pansies had held my fancy ever since watching Disney's 1951 film, Alice in Wonderland. They do look like faces! As I embroidered this flower, I liked to think back on those days filled with curiosity, and of the first time I saw a real pansy in 2017 while we were on a short vacation in Japan. The streets of Kurashiki within the charming city of Okayama are lined with so many of these floral darlings and I would have loved it if I can buy seeds and grow them here in the Philippines. But alas, like strawberries, pansies don't grow in hot and humid weather. And yet despite this, I feel better just stitching them on pouches instead and seeing them completed. I feel like I myself have grown these flowers with my very hands in my very own tiny garden.

My very own garden at the palm of my hand. 'Tis a whimsical thought, is it not?

If curiosity finds you, I do hope you may check these darlings out from my Etsy shop. It would mean so much to me. They are housed together with my art prints of whimsical beings as well. 
Click away on the link, my dears, and I hope my curious items bring you whimsy and a tiny bit of adventure. 



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