The Keeper of The Crane

7:35 AM

They call her by her name but such a thing could remain a secret from us and so we only know her by her title and she is called The Keeper of the Cranes. The majestic birds entrust their lives only to her hands, she whose intentions are pure, she whose love for them is as untainted as the world reflected in their marble eyes. With the keeper by their side, nothing could ever lay harm to them, not even man in their supposed boundless power. Nothing. 

This illustration means a lot to me. The keeper's love for the cranes extend far beyond the confines of what it means for conservation. She protects them not just for them to continue on living as 'species' but as living beings who are deserving of this world. She appreciates the lives of every living being, finding beauty in all their flaws and complexities that she is willing to go the extra mile to keep such creatures from extinction. If we love this life so much, then we must protect it and all the living beings in it as well, and also the world which we live in. 

Created with graphite and colored pencils as well as watercolor.

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